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The most common attributes of successful women

The most common attribute of successful women entrepreneurs and professionals that we’ve met with, interviewed and researched around the world is: Their willingness to BE BOLD. What does it mean to be bold? What...

Fitness bez kolapsa sustava

Barem jedan dan u tjednu može biti fitness dan, kad svjesno radimo svakodnevne pokrete i uz malo vježbanja imamo rezultate! Ukoliko se prepoznajete u navedenim tvrdnjama, označite ih kvačicom: -         mama...

EU quotas: A potential 12 step meeting in a wine bar?

Viviane Reding the European commissioner for justice, fundamental rights and citizenships is oft quoted with regard to E.U. quotas, “I don’t like quotas, but I like what they do.”...

Seven steps for paving your road to C-suite

Your arrival at the C-suite will not happen by accident, coincidence or luck. Nor will it result from being smart, accomplished and talented…alone. You have to pave your path, then...

Kako biti fit uz posao

U životu želimo puno stvari. Ma što u životu, u jednom jedinom danu želimo postići puno, doživjeti mnogo. Želimo naučiti, istražiti, doživjeti, odmoriti se, voljeti i biti voljeni. I želimo...